Method 1,2 & 3

Method 1

Using "Studo" day I decided to make a scribble sketch on it. The first 30 seconds I could capture only the main elements and how they are situated. The second sketch shows more details and on the fourth I was able to even recognize the small shrifts and pictures.

Method 2

I watched a video about new technologies that we used to see in movies as well as some ideas that they think to develop net few years. The thing that caught my eye was a tablet that can make hologram on a prototype of the robot on the left side and in the same time on the other side you are able to see information and detail about the robot.

There was a safe looking like a mirror. To unlock the safe you have to touch the mirror and it recognize your fingerprint.

What I found really interesting was an interface for tablet or every kind of touch devices, that allows you to manage the screen icons easy and the way you want. Withholding your finger on the screen and moving it to select only those you need. Once you select them, you can choose among different options- cut, delete, etc. You also do not have to order all pictures in a folder, you can put one on top of the others.


Method 3

In the video I watched for this method I capture the idea for an arm band with a wireless connection and an interactive alarm clock.
